Courts of the Lord!
Psa 84:10a - Better a day in Your courts than a thousand anywhere else.
Sometimes we have days in which a lot is on our minds. We are constantly moving from one thought to another and by the end of the day, you realize that very few have been thoughts about your Lord. The enemy loves to use this tactic to draw our hearts away from the King of Kings.
I was seeking the Lord and asking Him why the fire did not seem to be burning in my heart? Where is my passion for Him? I was lead to the courts of the Lord. The Lord gave me the illustration of the courts of my mind being the courts of the Lord or the tabernacle. The tabernacle had an outer court, an inner court and then the Most Holy Place or the Holy of Holies. The beauty of all this is that I can enter and exit at will because of the Blood of Christ. When my mind constantly never returns to the courts of the Lord, distance in the heart grows. Intimacy fades and life gets in between you and the Lord. When you finally do "get around" to being with the Lord, you notice the difference and realize the Grace.
The difference is the distance in your heart for the things of God, a lack of intensity and carelessness that was not there before.
The Grace is the realization, you are one faith thought away from being and remaining in His Courts, in His Presence.
The needless wondering , the many thoughts and the places your mind tries to take you outside of the courts of the Lord is unfruitful. Stay in the courts of the Lord, the outer court of praise, inner court of prayer and the Holy of Holies of intimacy.... The veil has been torn, the secret place is yours to embrace......