Begin Again

This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you. Exodus 12:2 Before Israel is set free from Egyptian control, God institutes the Passover to mark their redemption. It would be a day that would be a reminder of the faithfulness and goodness of God to them. To begin the whole institution God tells Moses and Aaron, this will be their beginning. The calendar started all over. The beginning of the year started when God said it started. Though physically still in bondage, he says I will give you a new beginning. I feel like God was speaking through me this morning in a conversation. The issue in the conversation was the individual felt like they were so far behind on what God called them to do. And some of you may feel like that as well. You may feel like you have missed your window because you started too late. You may feel that you have not done enough or maybe you feel as though you should be further than where you are. Even as I type, I hear someone saying, “I have to catch up”. Hear the Word of the Lord this morning. He says don’t worry about catching up; you’re at the beginning. Don’t worry about feelings of inadequacy; you’re at the beginning. Forget the things of the past; you’re at the beginning. He declares: THIS SHALL BE UNTO YOU THE BEGINNING OF MONTHS! He is starting your clock all over again. Receive his grace and begin to work again. Begin to believe again. Begin to seek after Him again with your whole heart. The same quickening Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is quickening you right now. Begin again! THIS SHALL BE UNTO YOU THE BEGINNING OF MONTHS! #RedirectYourEfforts #BeginningOfMonths #BeginAgain #LWWM